Category Announcements

This time last year we were adding the finishing touches to TranslateCluj 2020 and now we are having a bad case of organising rush withdrawal.


Because we couldn’t sit still, we have decided to create an online booster event for the community.


As the name suggests, it will be quick, painless and condensed. Our amazing speakers agreed to provide insider info, technology insights and useful tips on three subjects which rarely find their places in non-specialised conferences: interpreting, subtitling and quality assurance. As usual, we will meet before the conference for a cup of coffee, a nice chat and an opportunity to network with fellow translators.


We can’t wait to meet you again, so save the date (March 20), and keep an eye on our webpage and social media for more details.


In the meanwhile, here’s a quick selection of testimonials about last year’s event, to cure our no-conference blues.


Sending you a warm virtual welcome hug,

The TranslateCluj Team

Laura, Thomas, Elvira, Ioana & Silvia


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