Atelierele TranslateCluj. Ediția I

Vă invităm, în data de 25 octombrie, la Cluj, să lucrăm împreună un proiect de traducere de la A la Z în cadrul primei ediții a Atelierelor TranslateCluj, cel mai practic eveniment din câte am organizat până acum. Vom trece prin toate etapele, de la briefing la predare și ne vom concentra atenția mai ales pe importanța briefingului și a comunicării cu clientul.



Atelierele TranslateCluj (1)


✓ Hands-on sessions
✓ Tech-oriented workshops

✓ Experienced speakers
✓ Smart networking

TranslateCluj is an independent  CPD initiative and organizer of events aimed at language professionals from all over the world. We're all about organizing hands-on workshops and sessions meant  to boost productivity and hone professional and business skills of language and intercultural experts. We love everything related to language, content and technology, but we also focus on building professional communities and facilitating networking opportunities for all.

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By investing in our independent CPD initiative, you get to interact with, and present your services to our vibrant community your way. We will make sure to accommodate your needs at our in-person and online events. Check out our Sponsorship Proposal for 2024!

Screenshot 2023-07-19 at 11.24.00


By Elvira Dărăban I am easily bored and, as such, I need to learn something...
by Ciprian Iovu In the translation field, one of the most common methods of setting...
In the dynamic field of language and translation, computer-assisted translation (CAT) tools have shown to...
By Thomas Tolnai The translation business must be a confusing place for young professionals. After...
By Sabine Crihan Being a translator is like being a linguistic tightrope walker. You navigate...
Article for our Romanian audience. Am avut multe temeri în 2019, când am început seria...
Post by Laura Reading bedtime stories has become a habit in our family after my...
Înainte ca pregătirile pentru evenimentul nostru online Contabilitate. Tarife. Promovare. Primii pași corecți în cariera...
Article by Thomas for our Romanian audience. Încerc, de regulă, să mă feresc de industria...
Contabilitate. Tarife. Promovare. Primii pași corecți în cariera de traducător și interpret TranslateCluj organizează, sâmbătă,...


”TranslateCluj was one of the most inspiring conferences I have attended over the past 10 years.”

Sameh Ragab ( speaker )

TranslateCluj was one of the most inspiring conferences I have attended over the past 10 years. Superb organization on all levels indeed. Moreover, the caliber of the attendees, namely translators and simultaneous interpreters was astonishing. They were all very clever and eager to learn more techniques and tips and tricks.

”TranslateCluj should definitely be on your calendar!”

Ioana Bostan ( attendee )

What an intensely practical event! If you're into pro tips with a hands-on approach, TranslateCluj should definitely be on your calendar!

”A must-(re)do!”

Dorota Pawlak ( speaker )

Most of a freelancer work is a virtual and isolated world, plus an on-going adaptation process to new tech requirements. A good reason for me to attend Translate Cluj, an event that surprised me with so many nice peers and activities. It was like a refined cocktail mixing a fresh sip of cosy atmosphere, new techy translation information, tips and tricks from professionals and networking with old and new friends.  A must-(re)do!

”Translate Cluj was a very well organised event with inspiring sessions and great networking opportunities.”

Maria Diaconu ( attendee )

Translate Cluj was a very well organised event with inspiring sessions and great networking opportunities. I really enjoyed it, both as an attendee and as a presenter. What struck me the most was the warm hospitality of the organisers and a friendly, relaxed atmosphere. I'm looking forward to the next editions!