Chris Durban is a freelance translator (French to English) based in Paris, where she specializes in publication-level texts for demanding clients, primarily in business strategy and financial/corporate communications.
Her client portfolio includes some of Europe’s top corporations as well as government, regulatory and regional development agencies.
A member of SFT ( and a Fellow of ITI (, she is also the co-founder and co-organizer of SFT’s Summer School for Financial Translators (UETF), along with the Translate in… series of seminars for translators keen to hone their writing skills.
Chris has written many articles about translation, targeting both peers and clients, and has given talks and workshops around the world.
She translates almost every day, and enjoys it immensely.
And she encourages serious translators to leave the confines of TranslatorLand to mingle—even embed!—in ClientLand.