Iulia was a speaker at the first edition of TranslateCluj, in 2019, when she delivered a very interesting workshop on how freelancers should market themselves and sell their services. She is now ready to lend a hand to linguists who are confronted with difficulties or who seek to expand their services during these difficult times.
Here is a brief presentation of what Iulia and the team from Humanistic can offer.
What we offer
One on one sessions for anyone interested from the TranslateCluj Community
Configuration: 1 or 2 sessions of 45 minutes for up to 10 professionals
Offering professional help, during this difficult time, to members of the TranslateCluj community who wish to talk to a coach but cannot afford it or haven’t tried so far.
Because confinement is difficult to each and every one of us, and because the high level of uncertainty adds more complexity to our lives as freelancers, manifested as thoughts, fears, anxiety, tensions, or maybe just a more profound will to improve our skills.
Coaching is a personal development process, based on listening and communication abilities, which involves a coach and a client. The coach is a professional trained to assist the client in their attempt to overcome a difficulty, to find a new solution to their problem, to adjust emotionally, to create a plan and to monitor progress.
When to contact a coach
- Whenever you feel the need to consult with, or talk to someone in order to discover new perspectives on the situations that concern you
- Whenever you feel anxious and wish to talk to someone trained to manage such situations
- Whenever you wish to make a change, or develop a new ability, but don’t know how
- Whenever you are faced with a decision
Coaching is not
- A mutual, friendly relationship: the coach listens, asks, speaks in order to create a self-reflection, but their presence in the relationship with the client is only meant to create a framework which the client can use to hear their inner-voice, to make sense of their thoughts or to understand their inner being.
- A learning relationship: the coach cannot help by offering advice and recommendations. They will not tell you what you should or should not do, and they will not make decisions for you. Each client is responsible for their own decisions and for putting their plans into practice.
- A therapeutic relationship: the coach will not help you access your inner resources for future use; in contrast to the psychotherapeutic service, coaching will only highlight the recent past, present and future, and the coach is not trained to manage traumas from a distant path or psychology- / psychiatry-related aspects.
Coaching presumes that every person is fully developed, and the coach perceives in the communication relationship the unlimited potential of every individual in the future. They don’t judge, don’t interpret and don’t express any views. They connect deeply to the individual in front of them and guide them to their potential.
If you decide to give it a try or are curious to find out more:
Send an email to : iulia.buciuman@humanistic.ro
Please specify in your email that you belong to the TranslateCluj community.

Iulia Buciuman
Hi, I’m Iulia! Human, daughter, friend, expert, manager, entrepreneur, someone who, like yourself, thinks of the future on a daily basis. I am here because I care and because it is my belief that together we are stronger. I am willing to put on the table all my coaching, training, expert skills and experience certified by various psychometric instruments, as well as my adult counselling and training capabilities. But most of all, I will put on the table the understanding and empathy gathered through the challenges I have faced, and the experience and lessons learned from the people I have been working with in the past 15 years. Our conversation will not be about myself, but about you and what you can do in order to be confident about the future.